


The 研究生部 consists of the President, Vice President for 学术事务, the academic deans and those members of the general faculty who, by their scholarly attainments in their own fields of specialization have demonstrated their competence to offer graduate instruction.

The purpose and functions of the 研究生部, within limits established by the Board of Trustees, are to offer graduate courses, supervise thesis and dissertation research, and advise the 研究生 委员会 and the 研究生 Dean on the establishment of policies relating to graduate education.

The major advisory functions of the 研究生部 are carried on by committees appointed by the 研究生 Dean. Appointment to the 研究生部 is made by the Vice President for 学术事务 upon the recommendation of the 研究生 委员会 and with the approval of the 研究生 Dean..

A.  研究生部

研究生部 may 教授澳门皇冠体育, supervise and serve on supervisory committees for students working toward post-baccalaureate degrees, vote on nominations for the 研究生 委员会 and serve on the 研究生 委员会. Full members of the graduate faculty possess terminal degrees in their area of instruction or have achieved equivalent recognition through their research achievements.  They are experienced professors, having at least 五个 years’ experience in higher education, including some graduate teaching, and having directed graduate student research and carried on their own research.

 B.  副研究生院

副研究生院 may 教授澳门皇冠体育, 指导硕士论文, supervise doctoral dissertations, serve on supervisory committees for students working toward post-baccalaureate degrees, and vote on nominations for the 研究生 委员会. Associate members of the graduate faculty have completed their terminal degrees and demonstrated expertise in teaching and research in the area of instruction.  They are  professors with at least 三个 years’ experience in higher education, including some graduate teaching, and having directed graduate student research and carried on their own research.

C.  助理研究生院

助理研究生院 may 教授澳门皇冠体育, 指导硕士论文, co-supervise doctoral dissertations, serve on supervisory committees for students working toward post-baccalaureate degrees, and vote on nominations for the 研究生 委员会. Assistant members of the graduate faculty have completed their terminal degrees, have begun teaching within the last 三个 (3) years and demonstrated expertise in teaching and research in the area of instruction.

D.  附属研究生院

Adjunct members of the graduate faculty are temporary, 兼职教授, possessed of proven competence and appropriate credentials, who are appointed to meet the University’s needs in their area of expertise.  The application must contain a letter of justification from the appropriate department chair or graduate program director.  附属研究生院 may  apply to:

  • 教授澳门皇冠体育.
  • co-supervise and serve on supervisory committees for students working toward post-baccalaureate degrees.


Criteria for 研究生部 Status

GFacApp2013 (pdf表单)

申请人核对表 (PDF)


Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at 澳门皇冠体育. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.



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杰克逊,MS 39217-0280

P.O. 17095箱
杰克逊,MS 39217
